Enrolment Policy




Guardian Angels Catholic Primary School is a Parish School. Consequently, first preference is given to the baptised Catholics who live within the parish and whose parents have a commitment to the faith. 

The following processes will normally occur:

Parents can access and complete the Online Enrolment Form (see link in 'Application for Enrolments' page). On receipt of the completed Enrolment Form, together with an enrolment fee of $100, the school will contact parents via email. Interviews are conducted along the same lines as the Criteria of Acceptance.

Criteria order of interviews:

  1. Siblings
  2. Catholics in the Parish
  3. Catholics Outside the Parish
  4. Non Catholic

    Although the pupils in the school will be predominantly Catholic, there is some provision for pupils of other faiths to attend Guardian Angels. The current enrolment of the school is in excess of 801 pupils from Prep to Year 6.

    Prep Enrolments
    Prep is now a compulsory year of schooling for children. For a child to be eligible they must turn five by 30 June of the year they commence Prep. Parents know their children and their readiness for Prep better than anyone. If there is any doubt about a child's readiness for Prep, parents are urged to speak to their child's pre-prep teacher/s and with each other to make a considered decision about enrolment.
Children BornEligible for Prep inEligible for Year 1 in
1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017
1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018
1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019
1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020
1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 

All enrolment applications must be accompanied by:

    • Documentary evidence of birth
    • Documentary evidence of Baptism
    • Copy of the latest School Report (if applicable)
    • Copy of any court order verifying legal custody and/or access
    • Payment of the Application Fee of $100

Please note Enrolment applications will not be processed until all documentary requirements have been completed. Failure to complete these requirements may delay or affect the acceptance of the application.


Conditions of Enrolment:

Continuing commitment to the following conditions is expected:

  • Parents are expected to accept a commitment to give every child opportunity to experience the fullness of their faith at home and to give the child every opportunity and encouragement to practise it.
  • Parents are expected to support and encourage the Gospel Values and the standards of behaviour that these imply.
  • Parents are expected to co-operate with regulations set down from time to time by the Guardian Angels Administration. Such regulations are devised to ensure the safety and welfare of children and the efficient management of the school's facilities.
  • Parents are expected to be supportive of the Guardian Angels, the School administration, the teachers and various organisations working towards the welfare of the school.
  • Parents are expected to assist wherever possible and support the school's activities and fundraising efforts of the school and P&F Association.
  • Parents are expected to commit themselves to the regular payment of School Fees and levies.
  • Parents must accept that all students will partake fully of every aspect of the school programme.
  • Adhering to the Parent Code of Conduct.

 Enrolment Applications for Prep 2025​ onwards are now being accepted.