Parental Help

A great deal of what is being done in our school requires parental involvement, which we see as of great assistance to our pupils. At this age children love to see mum and dad doing something with them or supporting them in some of their educational adventures. To help us provide the best possible education for our children, your involvement as parents is always encouraged and always welcomed. ​​​Parent Handbook 2015

Help can be in many forms:

At home:

  • Helping children come to know and love God our Creator.
  • Ensuring that Junior Challenges/Angels Challenges are being done.
  • Ensuring that your child is happy with school.
  • Ensuring that your child is reading and/or being read to each night (or regularly) and enjoying it; and talking with your child about school (highlighting the good parts).

At school:

  • Participating in the Sacramental programme.
  • Assisting the teachers with reading, craft, computer work, typing stories or any other area of the curriculum that you enjoy or have competency in.
  • Assisting when transport is required.
  • Attending Parents & Friends Association meetings.
  • Offering to help in our library.

Parents participation in the life of the school community is strongly invited and warmly welcomed at all levels.​
